Monday, August 25, 2008

List Idea I stole from Michelle...

I love the idea and I can't help but find it serendipitous that I saw it on ms. michelle's page... I need to get out of the habit of being a depressed punk all the time and making sure I can find something to be grateful about every week might help. I'm a sucker for those pick me up anecdotes...

- waking up and knowing I'm not broke, I'm not hungry, and I'm not sick
-people who teach me more about myself and how i can be a better person everytime I see them
- patience
- his unconditional love that inspires the change in me
- hard lessons learned, finally
- classes starting, the beginning of the end of this chapter of my life, finally
- neo soul, it's changed me, permanently
- paying the bills and keeping my car
- new friends and old friends, found and lost
- trips down 290 E
- Visiting UH, the place I pray is meant for me.
- Romantic and surprising dates
- hope for something bigger and better
- A chance to change


my coffee is always said...

people who teach me....

thanks for the very powerful lesson. you are right about so many things...

Shelle said...

indeed sis...indeed...i am grateful for you in my own life...always